An alarming increase in malaria in Cameroon’s southwestern
coastal area
“Drive Against Malaria” focuses on malaria prevention in this area through the distribution of LLITNs, ACTs and diagnostic support
Edited by: Stephen Johnston
Bimbia Village is situated in Cameroon’s mountainous southwestern coastal area – in the Limbe Healthcare Area – and has over 4,000 inhabitants. Despite an explosive increase in malaria during the past two years (2007 WHO report), the village had no LLITNs, ACTs or diagnostic material.
This mountain village’s Health Care Centre was empty when we arrived, even though health care here is essential for surrounding villages, especially during the rainy season, when inhabitants are unable to reach the hospital in Limbe. The first priorities for the Health Care Centre are impregnated mosquito nets, scales for adults and babies, beds, diagnostic material, KTab 123, LLITNs, ACTs, and sterilisation equipment. Full report in PDf.