Saturday, November 14, 2009
Malende - 6,000 inhabitants protected
Malende - 6,000 inhabitants were protected with long lasting mosquito nets donated by the Drive Against Malaria. The village found along the N8 between Limbe and Kumba has a high malaria morbidity/mortality rate due to its location and seasonal rainfall . We were welcomed by three traditional dancing groups and worked together with Rotary Club Limbe.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Monday, October 26, 2009
LAAT OP 2 Radio EO 26 October

LAAT OP 2 Radio Vanavond is Julia Samuel te gast bij 'Laat op 2'. Julia is oud televisie- en radiopresentatrice van RTL en Veronica. Nadat Julia in 1999 de vierdelige documentaire 'Crossing Africa' maakt, besluit ze zich in te gaan zetten voor de bestrijding van malaria bij de organisatie 'Drive against malaria'.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Land Rover Netherlands donate €50,000.00
Niemand weet waar ik ben - Julia Samuel

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Drive Against Malaria new site On Air

The Dutch version of Drive Against Malaria website goes on line today 14 October 2009 Please click;
Saturday, September 5, 2009
On Air Julia Samuel Harm Edens

July 30 Julia Samuel goes Live On Air with Presenter Harm Edens from the television studio at Schiphol Airport The Netherlands. Julia talk to the audience about her 10 year fight against malaria all over Africa. She explains how $5.00 can protect a family against the malaria carrying mosquito for five years and how malaria kills one million children each year in Sub-Saharan Africa,
Julia talk about her new book and how she crossed the Sahara Desert.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
150,000.00 euro from Land Rover Netherlands
Land Rover Netherlands made the biggest commitment to fight malaria. The donation of 150,000.00 euros over 3 years is the largest ever made by the motor industry to fight malaria. "This news is absolutely incredible, especially in today's economic climate" This fantastic news was broken to CEO of DAM, Julia Samuel, by Land Rover NL's General Manager Marc Bienemann, before the Dutch media in Based. All 20 Dutch Land Rover dealers are collaborating in the action.
Monday, April 6, 2009
ExxonMobil support World Malaria Day Two in Cameroon.

ExxonMobil's Benelux President handed over a cheque to Drive Against Malaria for World Malaria Day two in Cameroon. These funds will be used to support the purchase of anti malaria treatment with long lasting mosquito nets for the people of Cameroon on 25 April 2009. The cheque for $40,000.00 was presented by President ExxonMobil, Joost Van Roost to Julia Samuel and David Robertson in Breda.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Village Kitojo in Uganda

Drive Against Malaria support the village Kitojo in Uganda with long lasting mosquito nets for “Second Home For Children” An organization of 20 guardians, parents and local population. They work together for a development of Kitojo where they offer parent lynx children accommodation and give help to the children of poor family’s who have no resources to pay for schools or medication. Long lasting mosquito nets are the basis for a malaria free future.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Youp: "Back in 1986 I started to earn a lot of money. Then asked myself do you enjoy being wealthy or not? The blunt answer was yes! My circle of friends goes back to the days when I had no money. They still come to visit me in my house where we can
share the views overlooking the North Sea. It dose not interest me whether rich or poor – that’s what friends are for. It was important for me to help in the developing world, so in 2003 I set up a foundation called “Alle Beetjes”. Our projects are all small scale, like a little bus for Mali, a house for drug edicts in Brazil. Why? Because that is a ‘must’! And with the Drive Against Malaria, together we can help little children to live beyond the age of five years”. Alle Beetjes of YoupVan’t Hek supported the Drive Against Malaria with funds to buy 1,000 long lasting mosquito nets for the children of Cameroon to sleep under at night. Thenets protect children against malaria that is transmitted be the mosquito afterdark. Julia Samuel: "With this we have can protect 1000family’s in the least wealthy areas of Cameroon with at an impregnated mosquitonet where up to five children can sleep. The nets we use have an average live span of 4 – 5 years.
Henk Boot sends a gift of life to Cameroon
Henk Boot from The Netherlands celebrates his silver jubilee of working for Bam Rail BV for 25 years to buy 150 long lasting mosquito nets for the children of Cameroon. This donation will protect 150 families for four years against malaria. We thank you Henk for protecting the children against Cameroon deadliest disease and good luck for the following 25 years, David & Julia.
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